
 Public Safety

First responders are a cornerstone of a healthy community. A safe community will prosper and thrive. In a state where crime is rampant, public safety must be a priority from our law enforcement and firefighters all the way to our court system being tough on criminals and violators. Reforming Prop 47 to stop the revolving door of catch-and-release of dangerous criminals is a good start to public safety reform and making our streets safer.


Assistance for those in need of affordable housing should be met with accountability of the individual. Recipients of assistance should be drug-free and accountable to the taxpayers. Recognizing the first step of sobering the individual, and the second step being mental health attention to combat homelessness is pivotal in our fight against poverty. These two steps must be addressed with an effective plan, then a focus on sustainable affordable housing.

Border Crisis & Immigration

Most Californians can trace their lineage to someone who immigrated here from another country. Legal immigration is a respectable endeavor of an individual to better their life and future for their family. While cartels, drug traffickers and other dangerous individuals are pouring across our border daily we have to stop the rhetoric and take serious action to secure our border.  It brings an unnecessary economic burden to tax-paying Californians and establishes a sense of disregard for law and order. Sacramento’s sanctuary mentality must shift if we are to secure our state for the benefit of the next generation and secure financial sovereignty in the future. 

Paid For By Free California

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